Don Worth’s Bag of Tricks manual original files

Next up, we have the original texts for the “Bag of Tricks” manual.

Well, most of them anyway. Pieter Lechner’s “Chapter 2: Trax” is missing. When I asked Don about it, he replied:

“Pieter was responsible for his own disks and was working at Quality Software in those days, so I don’t think I had copies of his parts of the manual.”

If you’re looking to read the original files on your favorite emulator or real Apple II, this is a CP/M formatted disk, but Don doesn’t remember the specific word processor he used:

“I believe at the time I did BoT I was using a CP/M word processor (to get proportional spaced output on my Diablo daisy wheel printer). I can’t for the life of me remember what it was – except that it had a small padded brown vinyl manual.”

Also of note: on side 2 are a few letters written to Softalk editor Margot Comstock. I left them in the image because they’re probably interesting to Apple II historians and Don gave his OK:

“If there is nothing embarrassing in the letters, go ahead and share them too.”

This .zip file has what you’re looking for.